3 Ways to Make Your Loaded Pallets More Stable

Posted on: 3 August 2015

Loading pallets can be one of the most effective ways of stocking, storing and transporting your products. However, if your pallets are not loaded and wrapped correctly, they can be very unstable. This can cause damage to your products, which can obviously be very costly for your company. To make your loaded pallets more stable, follow these three important tips. Then, you shouldn't have to worry about your items being damaged during storage or when they are being moved.

1. Wrap the Entire Load Equally

First of all, don't make the mistake that many people make of not wrapping your entire load equally. Some people make the mistake of using more stretch wrap at the top of the load and the bottom of the load while practically ignoring the middle. This can help ensure that the weight is evenly distributed and can help prevent items from toppling off of your pallets. One great way to ensure that your pallets are wrapped equally and tightly is by using a pallet wrapping machine.

2. Don't Allow Your Loads to Hang Over the Sides of Your Pallets

One very common mistake is to use pallets that are too small for your products or loading too many products side-by-side on your pallets. Your items should never overhang over your pallets. If they are, then you should choose either larger pallets or a new way of loading your pallets. If your products are hanging over your pallets, then there are a few potential problems; first, the products could distribute the weight unevenly on the pallets. Secondly, the corners of your items could be hit and damaged during transport.

3. Cut Off Leftover Wrap

Don't leave the long strip of leftover plastic wrap hanging off of the side of the pallet. A lot of people do so, but this strip could get caught up in the wheels of the cart that you use to transport your loads, or it could get run over by other equipment. This could cause your pallet wrapping to unravel, which could leave your entire load at risk of damage.

Ensuring that your pallets are both loaded and wrapped as well as possible is extremely important if you want to protect the products that are made in your factory. If you need a little help, try these three tips for doing a better and more thorough job. For more information about stretch wrappers or pallet wrapping machines for your business, contact a company like SIAT S.p.A. today.


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